Read the latest UNC Phi Gamma Delta alumni and chapter news here. These stories are distributed to alumni monthly via our email newsletter.*

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Help Connect Us to Brothers from Your Decade

We want to keep each of you in touch with your brothers from your decade, but we need your help! We have some brothers who we have lost

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Photo Flashback: Epsilon Chapter in the ’50s

This month we are taking a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the ’50s! How “bodacious” does this Phi Gamma Delta hangou

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Do you realize you “own” 1/816th of an “investment” property at UNC?


Believe it or not, our fraternity house adds to the charm of UNC. We at Phi Gamma Delta should take great pride in both the construction and upkeep of our house since, after all, the physical structure of the house is a reflection of the character that lives within. But did you know that the Phi Gamma Delta house is ALSO a reflection

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